FP Blog: The Story Behind Fighters Performance


I aligned a career in strength and conditioning with the pursuit of my goals in fighting sports for my own preparation to compete at the highest level.

Since retiring from a competitive career I had been focused on facilitating the success of athletes over a variety of sports with strength and conditioning. Through this process I realised that my passion lies in giving back to the fight community and this is where I want to focus my time and energy.


I decided to focus all of this knowledge and experience on fighters following a path much like my own.  My mission is to make strength and conditioning knowledge, guidance and resources accessible for fighters to ensure their dreams don’t die in vein like my own.
I trained and competed internationally in Judo, with aspirations to fight for gold at the Olympic Games and I got injured short of every opportunity I ever had to make the games.

I personally don’t believe we have to face the same problems, make the same mistakes, and stumble on the same weaknesses. These are typically painful, and if handled badly they can lead to your ruin as an athlete.

I’m incredibly grateful for the experiences I had as an athlete, despite not achieving the dream of becoming Olympic Champion. What I have learnt from a life lived with a fair amount of risk is this; the reward is not always as you planned or the prize you were picturing. Sometimes you risk everything for a dream that nobody else can see, and your prize will be the person you become and that will take you further in life than anything else. 

Being an athlete focused on competing in the Olympic Games is a journey of the self, but forever after I feel that my accomplishment lies in being able to give back to the fight community. Most importantly as a strength and conditioning coach having been through that experience.

I’m looking forward to helping others achieve the goals and aspirations that set alight the flame deep within me. Fighters are the people I am passionate about and where I feel I can make the most impact.


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth” – Muhammad Ali


Mark Brewer