Personal Training
Build strength, better your endurance, burn fat and make yourself harder to kill.
Let me explain the philosophy of HTK.
To us, health is the optimisation of the physical, mental and social qualities that allow you to maximise life.
NOT simply the absence of illness.
Hard to kill: This philosophy encompasses the process of bettering a person's physical, mental, and social qualities that allow them to live life to the utmost. This is achieved with an instrumental approach to the pursuit of ones own goals through the dedicated training of each person's natural talent.
Here’s what you’re going to get...
- Complete alignment of your goals.
- Personal guidance and training support.
- Accompanied workout program to suit your lifestyle, weekly schedule and physical situation
- We'll perfect your technique at every exercise so you can maximise the results of your work.
- Look and feel more competent.
- We will break down the barriers to your success, making your commitment to the process easier.
- Surround yourself with a community of people that want more from life and have the attitude to succeed.
- We will help you maintain a work, life, sport balance.
By engaging in these services you will be able to mobilise yourself and others to tackle challenges and accomplish more.
Click this button below find out more about our program.
Get personal training for just $140/session $110/session
Results guaranteed or your money back.